Off-Mountain Library


The Rizan Library, which opened in 1976, was built based on the wishes of the late Ichimura Imachozo, a political scientist from the town of Karuizawa, and donations from his family who succeeded him.

The brick library is set against a Karamatsu forest. Taking advantage of this environment, we have made the library a place for learning and research in the Karuizawa summer resort area.

With the construction of the Nakakaruizawa Library, general books and lending services will be transferred to the Nakakaruizawa Library, and the Riyama Library will serve as a place to learn about "Karuizawa studies (history, culture, and nature)". The library will be able to enrich local materials, collect and preserve materials created by administrative departments, and distribute donated materials for browsing.


Off-Mountain Library

Address 2112-1118 Nagakura, Karuizawa-cho, Oaza 389-0111
TEL 0267-42-3187
Business Hours 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Regular closing day From October 1 to June 30 of the following year
*The museum will be open every day from July 1 to September 30.
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