Shinano Oiwake Cultural Magnetic Field Oil Shop


The former Yuruya was a side inn at Karuizawa Oiwake-juku on the Nakasendo Highway. For more than 70 years since it was moved to its current location in 1938, it has been a favorite inn for writers and intellectuals such as Tatsuo Hori, Dozo Tachihara, and Shuichi Kato, who used it as a stage for their writings. The mission of the "Aburaya Project" is a social activity to revitalize the Oiwake area by preserving and effectively utilizing the historical asset, the "Aburaya".


Shinano Oiwake Cultural Magnetic Field Oil Shop

Address 607, Oaza-Oiwake, Karuizawa-cho, Kitasaku-gun
TEL 0267-31-6511
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