Sezon Museum of Contemporary Art


The collection consists of more than 500 works, representing the European art stream from Wassily Kandinsky and Paul Klee, the originators of abstraction at the beginning of the 20th century, through Dadaism and Surrealism to Informel and Nouveau Réalisme. In the U.S., the collection is characterized by the inclusion of artists from the 1980s, such as Kiefer and Clemente, as well as works by leading postwar Japanese artists, in addition to the currents of abstract expressionist artists Jacques Pollock and Mark Rothko, Neo-Dada and Pop Art. The museum is currently closed for renovation (until April 2026 *scheduled).


Sezon Museum of Contemporary Art

Address 2140 Serigesawa, Nagakura, Karuizawa-cho, Kitasaku-gun
TEL 0267-46-2020
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