

Advertisement for 2023 Karuizawa Kanko Kaikan


We would like to inform you about “Advertisement in Karuizawa Sightseeing Hall in 2023”.
Advertisements can now be placed in the Kanko Kaikan, the symbol of the old Karuizawa shopping district!

Publication Period

April 2023 – March 2024

Listing Fee

(1) Annual course: 110,000 yen
(2) 6-month course: 77,000 yen
1 month course: 33,000 yen (price including tax)
The posting dates of *② and *③ will be negotiable depending on the status of applications.

Ad Size

A2 size (for 4 A4 sheets)

number of boxes

10 slots

Application Deadline

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

How to apply

E-mail : info@karuizawa-kankokyokai.jpまたは,
Please applyvia Google Form.

Please see PDF for benefits and details.


We look forward to your application.
Karuizawa Tourism Association
(Secretariat) 470-3, Karuizawa-cho, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano, Japan TEL : 0267-41-3850
(739-2, Karuizawa, Karuizawa-cho, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano, Japan TEL :0267-42-5538
URL :.

Pickup Site
