

Let’s make a ring with Christmas memories♪ Web-only special offers available/Karuizawa Bridal Information Center


Perfect for couples & friends and family trips!
When you come to Karuizawa on a date or a memorable trip with friends,
For two people dreaming of a wedding in Karuizawa,
It can also be a rehearsal for handmade wedding rings.
The only original ring in the world!
It will be a precious memory of Karuizawa!
Rings can be taken home on the same day.
We look forward to your early reservation!

Exclusive offer for “2017 Christmas Special” on the official website of Karuizawa Tourism Association

I’ll make love to you with a stone that has the sparkle of a diamond
Please mention that you saw our 2017 Karuizawa Christmas Special when making a reservation.


Karuizawa Bridal Information Center
8 parking lots available. 8 minute walk from Karuizawa Station.


11/20/2017 – 12/25/2017 10am-12pm, 1pm-3pm, 4pm-6pm
Closed on Tuesdays & by appointment only, limited to 3 couples per day

Fees & Capacity

Sterling silver rings 7,000 yen each, up to 4 people

Application and Inquiries

Karuizawa Bridal Information Center 0267-41-1888

For more information, visit the official website.

Pickup Site
