Private outdoor sauna kaveri


Kaveri is an authentic Finnish-style sauna nestled in the deep forests of Karuizawa. The sauna hut is designed to provide a comfortable heat, and the space is pristine and quiet. The sauna hut is a pristine, quiet space where you can enjoy the heat all over your body and be transported to an exquisite sauna time. The flickering flames of the stove, the crackling of the firewood, and the murmuring of the stream and the chirping of birds in the outdoor air bath will bring you closer to nature and awaken your senses, which are innate to human beings. Karuizawa has a completely different face in each of spring, summer, fall, and winter. In spring, the fresh green foliage is beautiful, in summer, the weather is pleasant and comfortable to escape the heat, in autumn, the leaves are fiery, and in winter, the air is clean and fresh, making you feel refreshed. This is a place where you can enjoy a dialogue with nature that you cannot find in the city. Please spend time with your loved ones at kaveri ("companion" in Finnish) in Karuizawa, where your body and soul will be happy.


Private outdoor sauna kaveri

Address 1372-6 Oiwake, Karuizawa-cho, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano, Japan still
TEL 050-3574-6600
Business Hours 12:00-22:00
Regular closing day Open irregularly (for details, please contact kaveri through its website, Instagram, or directly)
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