

Started sales of “Karuizawa Examination Official Text Book” by on-demand printing.


The Karuizawa Web Certification Examination Official Text Book” is essential for prior study for the exam, as the Karuizawa Web Certification Examination will include questions from the items listed in this book.
However, the book was not in stock and had to be purchased in an e-book version.
We have received many inquiries from people who are trying to pass the exam and others who want to purchase the book instead of the e-book version, so we have now started selling the book using our on-demand printing service.

On-demand printing is a printing technology that prints and binds each order.
Printing is based on data from the e-book version.
The design and paper quality of this book differs in part from the “Karuizawa Examination Official Text Book” published in 2011, which is currently out of stock.
Please note that there is no difference in the descriptions of the questions in the Karuizawa Web Certification Examination.

You can order the “Karuizawa Examination Official Textbook” on-demand printing from the following link.

Pickup Site
