

NHK Nippon Nippon Longitudinal “Kokorotabi” is now accepting episodes from Karuizawa!



NHK Nippon Nippon Longitudinal Tour “What is Kokorotabi?

Actor Shohei Hino will visit unforgettable landscapes in your “heart” every day with his bicycle “Chario” (sometimes he takes Chario with him on trains, buses, boats, and even light trucks! ).

The destination of the trip will be decided by the episodes of “scenery of the heart” submitted by our viewers in their letters or on our website. The destinations are chosen based on the stories submitted by our viewers in their letters and on our homepage.

Over the past two years, we have traveled 3,600 km in 36 prefectures and visited 192 heartwarming landscapes.
In the spring of the third year, the tour will travel north from Kagoshima to Kyushu, then from the Kinki region to Yamanashi via Gifu and Nagano, the roof of Japan.

Morning Edition.”
Monday – Friday
7:45-8:00 a.m. (morning edition)
11:30-11:45 a.m. (replay)
7:15-7:30 p.m. (replay)
Monday is the “Monday Morning Edition “*.
The Tuesday-Friday morning editions are preceded by a compact 15-minute daily summary of the day’s journey.

Weekend Edition.
Saturday 11:00-11:59 a.m.
Sunday, 11:30 a.m. – 12:29 p.m.
On Saturday and Sunday, the week’s four-day trip will be divided into two days, each with a full 59-minute version.

Monday Morning Edition.
We hope you enjoy that week’s trip ahead of time, and we will also show you “scenes from the heart” from those of you who were not able to visit Mr. Hino.

Please send us episodes related to “scenery of the heart” in Karuizawa.

For example, an unforgettable place that changed your life, a hometown you want to keep forever, a place you want to visit in your heart, a spectacular view you want to tell someone about, and so on. Please send us episodes of landscapes that are important to you. If you have photos, please attach the image data as well.

Official program website :
Kokoro-no-Sekkei” Submission Form :

Pickup Site
