
About Karuizawa







Welcome to Karuizawa

Thank you for visiting Karuizawa.
In Karuizawa, there are four beautiful and natural seasons.
We would like to provide the following travel tips to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable vacations there.

In Japan, people do not like to dress up and be taken photos on the street. Japanese may be surprised when seeing some tourists whose taking photos with dress up there.
In order to prevent any accident, unpresent memory and let you have a wonderful journey, we would like you all to pay attention to the following points.

On the street
– Don’t enter into the railtrack.
– Don’t take photo on the car road.
– Don’t step on any grassland because there are some private owned and national owned lands which are natural protected zones.
If you would like to take photos in front of any shops, please get the permission from the shop owners or staff first.

For the facilities
– It is not allowed to take photos in the area of vacation houses and accomodation facilitites.
– If you would like to take any photos at the accomodation facilities, please get the permission from the staff before you do that.

At culture facilities
– If you want to take photos at any museums and other culture facilities, please purchase the admission tickets and confirm with the staff if it is allowed or not first.
– Don’t touch the exhibition items.
– Please follow the opening and closing time.
– Please be considerate the other visitors.

If rules are not be followed, a person may receive a fine ticket from the police.

Thank you for your co-operations. Please call
Karuizawa Travel Agency at 0267-41-3850 with any question.


歡迎和多謝大家來臨輕井澤, 盼望大家能在這擁有美麗自然的四季景色的輕井澤中,留下美麗的照片和回憶。

日本文化中, 並沒有装身打扮, 在街道上拍攝記念照的習慣, 日本人看到這樣事情都會覺得驚訝, 為了讓大家在輕井澤歡度假日, 避免意外和不偷快事情發生, 現希望大家能注意以下事項。

– 不可進入電車軌道。
– 不可在馬路上拍攝。
– 不可進入草原, 當地有私人和國有的草原,也包括珍貴的受保護的高原植物。
– 如欲在店鋪前拍攝, 請先得到店鋪的店主或職員的同意。

– 在別墅和住宿設施範圍内不可拍攝。
– 如欲在住宿設施範圍內拍攝, 必須事先得到設施的職員批准。

– 如欲在博物館等文化設施拍攝,必須先購買入場劵和通知設施職員及得到同意。
– 不可觸摸展示物品。
– 請遵守開館和關館的時間。
– 請顧及其他訪客。

若違反以上的規則, 會遭當地警察要求罰款, 希望大家能合作和遵守。

如有查詢, 請致電至輕井澤觀光協會, 電話: 0267-41-3850.

Pickup Site
